Tag: school trip

Tumu trip

On Monday and Tuesday, my class and I were lucky enough to go to the Ōtautahi Orchard. The Ōtautahi Orchard is really close to the Margaret Mahy playground and the Avon river. Did you know the Maori name for the  Avon  is Ōtakaro?

My favourite part of the trip was when we got to eat things like edible flowers, sweet peas,  berries, feijoas,  mint and tomatoes in the free garden and when we played a game at the end.

How you play the game is so there is about 4 or 5 group of people and you all have to pick a country to represent (our group was Sweden). You all  have a box of blocks and a bunch of cards. There’s a rope in the middle shaped as a circle. What you do is one person from your group runs around first  (one person from each country) then you race back to your group as fast as you can and pick up a card. If the card is bad you have to go into  the middle and throw a block in the middle. The block represents greenhouse gas. If you get a good card, you can save someone and if you get a question card you can get a block and put it back in your box.

One other activity we did was a survey. We had paper and we had to tally how many Evs, bikes, walkers, petrol cars and trucks there were on Manchester Street. The other activity was we got to have a picnic but sadly it wasn’t a real one it was fake food with numbers on the back. The numbers represented how much carbon emissions were used to get the meat to our table.

Something that shocked me was that there were less than 1% of EVs being used on the road. This shocked me because I thought more people would start using EVs because of climate change.

Something that I found interesting was that you could actually eat some flowers.

Something that I will do to be more sustainable is plant more flowers at my home. This will help because plants and trees help to suck carbon from the air.

What is something you can do to help climate change?